
hai ! terima kasih atas kunjungan anda ke dalm blog ini :) untuk pengetahuan blog ini tiade copycAT dri blog sesiapepon mahupon hidup atau telah mati .. segala hasil pengubahsuaian di buat ats usha titik peluh sndri.. SELAMAT BERJALAN2 .! KOMEN ANDA DI ALU2KAN dri waniis

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

sayang you ♥

shahrul ghani ! aku syang ko sampai skang ! miss u sgt2..!

hehe ta dpt bce ta korang !

kelua ke tak yew ?

korang !
hariz ajak kua teok wayg..hahah
ape na wt ni..
aku na je..
blnje kan? ahah
sgan lah...

lmbat updated :(

PMR result : 5A 3B
mama n ayh appy sgt2..haha
best dpt beri kgembiraan itu...
mama n ayh hug aku waniis...haaaaaaaaaaaaaa trharu !
sdre mre wish congrate trmsk kwn trdekat...
ewmm....ayh jnji na beli handphone..n now suda dpt...
ta perna ayh sgembre itu walo just 5A..
tengs smue : sayang gile na mti kat smue♥

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

23 december itu esok :(

ya allah..
moge kau berkati ape yg tla kmi lakukan ya allah..
kami melakukan yg trbaek utuk dri kmi dan ibu bpe kmi...
ssungguhnye usha yg dbrkati akn mndpt kredaan ..
dengan titik usha kmi kau perkenankan lah sgle hajat kmi ya allah...
tiade kgembiraan yg pling mnggembirekan ati ibu bpa kmi kcuali kjayaan yg dredhai..
kau ampunilah dose2 kmi..
kau hapuskanlah smue sikap negatif trhdp kmi..
ssghnye kmi ingin mnjadi pelajr yg cemerlang dlm akadmi,kurikulum dn shsiah..
berikanlah kmi pelajar PMR 2010 kcemerlangn dlm KEPUTUSAN PMR esok ya allah..
padamu sahaje kmimemohon kcemerlangn..
kerana kau lah yg maha mengetahui isi hati kmi dn maha pemurah ats sgle2 nye..
usha dan tawakal kmi sudah lakukan,,
kni kmi hnye berserah pdamu ya allah..
hanye kau yg brkuase ats sgle2 nye..
di sini hmba mu yg lmah lgi tidak mmpunyai kuasa ingin memohon kejayaan dan keputusan yg cemerlang dlm PMR..
amin2 amin2 ya rabbal alamin...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

this time for kebudak2 kan !

cafe world=cityville-yoville=farmville=petville n whatever dan swaktu dngannye..! addict tau..suke2...

please .......................................

weyh tolog r jngn mrh sgt...smpai CHAT aku at fb pon ko ta na eply n trus offline !aku ta brmksd na skitkan ati ko..ta sgke plk dngn clash ni smpai hbngn prsahbtn pon trputus dan mmbuatkan ko bnci sgt at aku...weyh ! tolog pkir positif lah...aku ta trus buag ko weyh,... hope ko phm dngn kptusan aku..

dia kreatif ♥

weyh ! aku ske ko ko ppuan : sbb ko kreatif ! jealous tau...ape2 bende yg ko wat msti ko pon cute !
credit too diebadiebot

Friday, December 17, 2010

ta boleyh bla lah ko :K

bajet plak ko ! ingt ko kaye sgt ke ?ade yg lbeyh kye dri ko ! tu ha kat atas sne TUHAN tau !

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

28 be 23 december ! god series okeyh :L

countdown for result PMR

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

You Were Always There my frend

whenever i needed samone to talk to,,
yu were always there,,
my eyes fill with tears,my hearts filled with pain and yu will always there
there was no times when i had doubt
to come to you because
yu were always there
i could see in your eyes yu wanted to help and that yu realy cared

whenever i was down n blue
yu always there .
no matter what my problems are what was wrong
yu always besides me
whenever i felt like nothing matters
yu were always there

now yu will be gone and i dont know what to do
i close my eyes and think of yu and how
yu was always there
its hard to look at the pictures and get memories of yu
can yu will hear me
at night i pray and i speak to yu
i guess yu were right when yu told me no matter how far yu were
yu would always be there
i know one day i will see yu again but till then i have to say goodbye

even though it hurts to hear your name and speak of yu
one things i will always say is
yu were always there besides me and at smk bnting n in the same class !

credit to samone will be leave me for the next year ♥

-waniis bie-



happy bufady budak bajet cute ♥ !

kow bru na msuk 15 taun weyh ! huhuhu
hope ko wat bende trbaek tok idup ko..
kite kwn smpain mampus

hey !

hey yu..
knpe yu ta bleyh lpekan die lgi ha ?
so plek tau !
u tau ta kat fb die tu da mcm2 gurlz die tekel..
y smpai skang u ta dpt lpekan die lgi ?
why yu so crazy wif him ??
ape ade en die tu..
da lah u truskan hdup smpai ble u na brgntg en die..
kli ni die ta kan cri u lgi...bhahah
pdn mke u...
hye them !
event tok kelas kte hope korg pegi en bufday zti tu hope korg gi surprise the best.. !
ase cm ta dpt join tau...
do the best !
mmg na pegi tapi ade prob..
ti snap pic tau !
na teok lah..
be happy n ingt waniis tau ! aten hope kte dpt jmp..
series eyh ko na pndah ?ewmm brat btol ati ..

Friday, December 10, 2010

boys over flower ♥

my xoxo romantic !(LEE MIN HO as GU JOON PYO)
she is my enemy :bahaha :)

oh god ! he is my scandal KIM BEOM as SO YI JEONG

♥ beware ! he is my husband;KIM HEON JUNG as JI HOO..LOVE YOU DAMN SO MUCH ! BAHAH

addict tau 5 cd stiap cd ade 6 episod..grrr dri pgi ke mlm mghadap tb


kembali terjalin :O

no matter what happen kne trme yg kamu suda couple...tiade single lgi n believe yu can do it to forget those person...
waniis bie

Monday, December 6, 2010

miss the moment wif him :(

if yu not bad to me i will love you deep in my heart..
if you loyal to me my heart will be yours..
i dont know why they call it heartbreak it feel likes every part of my body is broken too...
hey guys ? in a along time i want to get meaning of the love..
why love if losing hurts so much ?we love to know that we are not alone...
so nonsence
now i can say for the memory of love is so sweet,thought the love itself were in vain and what i have lost of pleasure,assuage what i found of pain
my dear,,
if you ask me how many times you have crossed my mind,i would say once,,because you never really left
my dear,,
i wish i had never known you,, i was happy before even when you were not there yet.unlike now,,yu make me suffer, iknow that yu didnt maen to have known me,,me too, i was not planning on loving you..
im really thinking about that ...
why god gave two ears to hear,,n two eyes to see and two hands to hold,,but why did god give us only one heart?because he want us find the other one..
ni matter how many times i get hurt because of you,, i wont leave you,,because even if i have a hundred reasons to leave you..i will look for that one reason to fight for you..
waniis bie

suda single (available n bebas)

no boyfwen tau..
bhahaha single lorh...
sori syahmi :9
_waniis bie_

Sunday, December 5, 2010

best ♥

err sungguh penat tau ..
mse bufday tu best je ..
tpi bile da abis party santak penat !
na tcabut tulag2 aku ni...
hehe walopon bufday tu agk pnat cikit...
tpi puas ati ..
best sgt...! amai owg yg dtg.....
menu pon abis di mkn..
tengs kpde kwn2 yg dtg eyh....\
yg ta dtg tu ewmmm kcewa waniis ! tpi waniis tau korg de prob.. heh

Thursday, December 2, 2010


my frend is back & busy wif prepare bufday party aqilla
:no updated for 2 days:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

attentions pliease :P

waniis na kurus kan badan .. need your support.. badan suda naek cuti ni..
p/s:aku tau aku gemok n ta cantik tpi tolog jngn hine aku..aku ade perasaan weyh