b sye tau now u tengah bngang plus boring kan ? coz saye ta topup kan lgi b at hostel sne kn ?.. ewmm sye bkan sngje lorh ! i know ini bkn alasannyew kan ?..b sye ta topupkn b coz bsy sgt2 la mggu niw n kte ta kn dpt contact each other macm mggu sblom niw..ewmm every minutes kte mcj kan ? sye ta moh toppkan b if b msj nnti sye ta kn lyn mcj tu mcm sebelom ni coz im really2 bsy for the sukn competition la..ni bnde yg ta dpt sye elakkan la b..iff nnti klo da topup pon n b mcj sye then sye ta eply msti u lgi bengang.. so lbeyh baek tayah topup right?..this week btol2 pnt la b ,,blek jew skola kul 2.5o then kne stay at skolah until 5 o clock for the latihn rumh sukan.. :( smpai rumah 5.3o tu trus tdo pnat sgt,then mlm plak bsy tok stdy n siapkan smue homewrk..how kte na contact ? =_= mse tu pad sgt la.. ZITTS ! oh no ! tensie2n ! subjek tok spm plak mkin ssh :( ! grr i know 3 mggu kte ta dpt jmp right?..sllu hnye 2 weeks jew now plus 1 weeks .. hewm tpi tgggl sminggu lgi jew b na blek..tak lme kan ?......... balek nnti kte jmp okeyh . :)dan skrg2 nye tade la b asyk brkepit dngn nset jew at hostel sne kn mggu niw tok mcj en sye.. o CHAIYOK huhu ! stdy la rjin2 kat sne yewp !no matter what happenyu always in my heart n important word yu must know yu are always be my husband oyeah :8 ♥
♥lofve you♥