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Saturday, October 16, 2010

no matter what happen :)

tiada cerite yg menarik tok dicerita :
tetapi ade ssuatu yg ingin di kogsi..
dulu semase ade partner amai owg cbe brknalan..
tetapi now bile ak sndirian org yg ak tolak cnte nyew die suda appy sesame awek die..
ha ni ke balasan nyew..
tu lah dlu pcye sgt2 sme die..
now,,kan rgi ko tlak cnte die...
skg ble die wt hl ko yg mrne..
ble ak teok jew website mmt yg dlu ak tolak tu ..
ade gnba die sme awek die...
ha...ak rse cm ewmmmmmm...
ha lpe kan..
tpi rse cm bodoh je ble dlu tolk die/....
samtimes i feel so lonely....
no matter what happen couple will be trouble to me....
right.?? oo yeah will be right for me...
for yu all s i think its be wrong :P
princess of the pink